Crestline Experimental Dive Unit
< < Still MORE > >
Honors Of The Association

For answering the call...
 "If  You Can't Build A Rebreather, You Shouldn't Dive A Rebreather."

        It is with great pleasure that the CEDU Recognize and Present the "Honors of the Association"  Award to the following individual for outstanding achievement in the Design, Construction and Use of HomeBuilt Closed Circuit Rebreathing Apparatuses.

 Critical Bill

        Without instruction, coaching, reverse engineering or plagiarism, the the above named individual has designed, built, dived, and shared their enthusiasm and dive toys with friends, family, and the world at large.

CEDU Honors of the Association

    You may have seen women in wetsuits,  Now you see Our Man in Latex (Drysuit).

    AAck, pththtt,   Who is this man in that Latex Body Suit ?    It is none other than one of our very own, William Sewell,  a.k.a. The DeBillatater.

    Bill has again gifted the CEDU with images of the latest rebreather he made and dived.  His latest Homebuilt Pendulum O2 Rebreather (with Auto Oxygen Addition) was used this past Sunday somewhere in Kachemak Bay, Alaska.  (Exact coordinates provided on a need-to-know basis.)   With Scooter in dry-gloved hand, a test dive was completed.  His one-handed scooter control technique provided an excellent way to conduct an ever expanding spiral search pattern, while at the same time freeing up the other hand for equipment adjustments.  The completion of this T&E Dive again proved  the success of his HomeBuilt Closed Circuit Life Support Equipment, and his Drysuit!  Good Dive.

    Bill has contributed to the CEDU in the past, most recently with his low cost field expedient oxygen addition valve, and breakdown of this pendulum rebreather.

    Bill, as you know, is also the man behind Replica Dry Suits,  for not only entire latex dry suits, but for various drysuit parts.

    Bill, the CEDU Honors you.
    May you continue to continue and do all that you love.  Now go get wet for a change.

< < And Would You Believe > >
    That  in the same Ocean on the same Day, a CEDU Buddy Team was passing some gas through a couple of FEOR's at Malaga Cove, California.    One purpose was to test dive The FEOR ClearView with 168 liter O2 tank.  (This one is to be my wife Jane's rig.)  A terrain following navigation swim was in order, as well as a little sea life appreciation and other opportunistic activities as they so evolved.

Out of the Darkness...  the FEOR ClearView(TM) will show you the Light.

The FEOR ClearView proved to be a Bug Magnet.  Just couldn't shake that little guy.

"Horn Shark Wrestling."  (When opportunity knocks...)
Heterodontus francisci can grow to about 38 inches, this one was between 2 to 2.5 feet.
Horn Sharks spawn from about Feb-April laying spiral egg cases.  An empty egg case was spotted on this dive.

CEDU Buddy Team Enters the Pond.
(Difficult to see the 1200 foot Buddy Line.)

Remember to always keep a keen eye out for your buddy.

He may want to get your attention,    or    get away !

Enjoy your dive, and remember to share the good times.

The End Of Another Great Dive

Smile, Good Times are Shared.

< < Finally > >
Some other moments with the
California Classic Equipment Divers at the
College of Oceaneering,  28 April 2001.
(A  previous visit seen here.)

               Bob doing the Test Tank Tango.

Rude Dog putting his rebreather through the paces.

Defending his right to Rebreathe.
Erick states:
"Be it with Weapons, or Barehanded;   the FEOR ClearView is worth Fighting For."

Alan, showing excellent form with the FEOR.

 Jocko in Heavy Gear,   Alan sneaking up behind.
 Yes, another fine day of testing.
                "See you in The Tank Boys and Girls."

(And now a word  from our sponsor.....)

Gentleman, Choose Your Equipment.

With so many choices in closed circuit gear, which do you choose?
The FEOR comes in many Styles and Configurations.
Become an UnAuthorized HomeBuilder and make your own.
Then you can
Dive Into Oblivion with the CEDU.

        Please note that all items seen on  these pages that come into contact with high pressure oxygen have been Oxygen Cleaned, Oxygen Converted, Oxygen Compatible or Designed for Oxygen use.
        You will be in for a rude awakening if you connect a scuba first stage to a high pressure oxygen tank; the rubber/nitrile o-ring(s),  internal lubricating grease, moving potentially spark generating parts,  and other contaminants are all potential sources of heat / inigition / fuel which can have catastrophic consequences in a high pressure oxygen environment.
        Building Rebreathers are a fun hobby, but it can also be fatal even before you make it to the pond.

OSHA States:
         "Compressed oxygen cannot be used in a device designed for compressed air because minute amounts of oil or other foreign matter in the device components can cause an explosion."  In fact, 30 CFR 11 prohibits certification of any device designed to permit interchangeable use of oxygen and air.

Congratulations to the latest Honors Recipients.
A major step into CEDU membership has been accomplished.
Additional information about membership will start with an Application. Other requirements such as the MudRun and the Rough Water Swim follow.... Good Luck.

-Dr. Bob, Director CEDU

More information about Rebreathers/SUBLIME/and the CEDU can be found starting at Dr. Bob's The Home Page

"To Swim Is Human, To Dive Is SUBLIME"

And Remember CEDU's Mission Statement:
"To Design, Assemble and Use Homemade Dive Gear While Maximally Stroking Our Own Ego's and Maintaining the Merest Semblance of Sobriety for the Benefit of Mankind"