Crestline Experimental Dive Unit
Evaluates The
2000 La Jolla Rough Water Swim
10 September 2000

    Sunday 10 September  2000 the 70th La Jolla Rough Water Swim was being held.  Scheduling allowed for the Crestline Experimental Dive Unit to determine the suitability of this event as another entrance requirement for membership into the CEDU.  So the CEDU Director (Me) and the CEDU Senior Product Performance Limit Evaluator (Erick) entered the event under cover and participated in the Rough Water Swim.

Beautiful La Jolla, California.

A Start from the Cove.

    The start took place from the shore at La Jolla Cove.  The course was somewhat triangular, marked with large floats.  The water was beautiful, clear (great visibility), calm (though out of the cove there was less than a foot chop and swells of up to 2 feet), and of perfect temp. of about 62-64 degrees (out of towners think this is cold).  Equipment limitations for the race was a Bathing suit and Swim Goggles if you wanted, but no thermal protection (wetsuits) are allowed.  A Transponder was attached to each swimmers ankle for tracking and timing purposes (it did not affect swimming).

    It was a good swim, and as an evaluation exercise for CEDU Membership, maximum performance was not asked of the CEDU participants.  As data was being collected throughout the swim, and notes were to be taken,  a "one on one"  race between CEDU members was not encouraged.  (Yea, right!)

    The start marked a sprint to the water and Erick took the lead.  It was a close competition, but in the end he sprinted out a lead and I never did catch up with him.   It was a great swim, and it had its rewards; the GOLD.

The Gold.

    Passing through the electronic sensor at the finish line your time was noted and your Gold Metal was presented.

Erick and Bob with the Gold.

    My time for the ocean Mile was 38 minutes 56 seconds, and Erick did it in 37 minutes 07 seconds.  We were in different age categories so we did NOT directly compete. (Yea, Really as mentioned above).  For your info the winning time overall was 17:55 (by some young'un), and a man named Jim Eubanks who is about 85 years old finished in 31:07, winning in his age group.  Wow!

    It was a great weekend and there were many more happy faces to be found.

 Erick with Jim Eubanks.

"To Swim Is Human, To Dive Is SUBLIME"

    And yes, this detachment of the CEDU is recommending the La Jolla Rough Water Swim as a one of the requirements for membership into the CEDU.   (Any other open ocean mile swim participation may be substituted with approval from the Director.)


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